The Virginity Monologues

My Life. The Mistakes I Make. Uncensored.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Sweet the sin, but bitter the taste in my mouth

Unfortunate side effect of losing weight? My boobs are shrinking! I'm very upset about it. If I have to rely on my personality alone to attract men, I am in big trouble! (That was totally a joke)

So, there is a definite theme to my life. It's that no one ever really goes away. Apparently. I dated a guy a few times last February, his name is Cam. After a few dates, he mysteriously disappeared, like they do, and I went nine months without hearing from him. Last week, he started instant messaging me out of nowhere. We went out last night (after he pestered me, daily, for a week). He's tall, super cute, a damn good kisser, thinks I'm hilariously funny and declared me "sexy as hell".

We went out. Then he showed me his new apartment (ridiculously close to mine), then I did something that I've never done before in the entirety of my life.

I swallowed (in return for an equal service performed fantastically).

Then I almost threw up.

He's been instant messaging me all day today and told me that he "wants to be the guy that I call when I'm having a bad day". Weird. Do I believe him? Don't know. Am I holding my breath and hoping this turns into Real Love? Nah.

Do I worry that I've become a bitter, jaded and cynical slut?


Todays Title from: Running to Stand Still by U2
