The Virginity Monologues

My Life. The Mistakes I Make. Uncensored.

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Virginity Lost

I apologize for the lack of posts. Between the monumental events of last week and a weekend in Washington DC, I've been sadly neglecting my lovely blog.

Thanks to everyone for the congratulations! My darlingest friend, L, said to me, "My little girl is all grown up!" And that's pretty much how I feel, like I'm finally in on the big secret.

So here's the story. I'm just going to tell you now that I won't be revealing The De-Virginator's identity. He's someone that I adore and trust and I've wanted for a while but didn't think that I stood a chance, until I took one.

I was house-sitting for a friend last week while she was on vacation. Basically I was just living it up in the East Village and feeding her cat twice a day. It was an ideal opportunity for me to get some action, although I wasn't consciously making the decision to have sex that week. Wednesday I got back to the apartment around 10ish, and discovered that staying by oneself tends to make one bored, especially when the apartment doesn't have cable! So, I was scrolling through my phone book trying to find someone to talk to, and his name sort of popped out at me. I'd wanted to have something happen with him for a while, but the time and place had never been right. I sent him a text message. Told him to come over and 'entertain me'. I was NOT planning on going the whole nine yards. I really just wanted to fool around with him and he knew where I stand on everything, so he knew better than to expect sex. He arrived fairly quickly, he had left a party to come be with me. How cute! We sat around and talked for a while, then we were wrestling around a little bit on the bed (that seems to happen to me a lot, that's weird!) then he was kissing my neck and I was losing all ability to think clearly. The next thing I knew I completely unclothed and he was going for the condoms that he had picked up on his way over (what a boyscout!). Panic overtook me and I stopped him. I told him I didn't think that I could go through with it. He said that was fine, and that we could just go to sleep. Then we talked about my virginity and what was holding me back, yada, yada, yada. I told him how much I wanted to just be done with it, but I couldn't get past this wall in my head. Then we were kissing again and he was doing a very good job of relaxing me and then he was going for the condom again and I wasn't stopping him this time. It felt- right. I can't put it into words. It was more than just lust. I knew a relationship wasn't in the cards, but I was okay with that. I was willing to have it just be one night. He was perfect. I don't want to get graphic, but the pain was minimal and I know it could have been a lot worse in less experienced hands. If it tells you anything, I wanted to wake him up about 5 times to do it again. Ha, ha! I'm already addicted!

So there you have it.

L was telling me how sad she was that she wouldn't get to hear stories anymore. But rest assured, there will still be stories. So- the blog stays. It may be a bit of a misnomer, but I can't change it now!

Stay tuned! Now we'll get to follow my journey of actually getting good at it!
