The Virginity Monologues

My Life. The Mistakes I Make. Uncensored.

Friday, June 17, 2005

Start Spreading the News

Sorry for the lack of posts! I was in hell (read- Florida) on a business trip for the last couple of days, culminating in a 3 hour plane delay and a spectacularly incompetent driver home from the airport. I remember the first time I came to New York City for a visit and my first view of the skyline. I was in absolute awe of the sheer grandeur of this place. My feelings for bordered on reverential and I was NOT worthy. Last night, coming in to Manhattan from Brooklyn, the skyline inspired such different emotions from that first time. Last night, those buildings were a comforting embrace and meant only one thing to me, home. I made it. I made it in New York City. No matter what happens for the rest of my life, I can say that I looked New York square in the eye and made it my bitch. Boo-yeah.

No call. Can you effing believe it? NO CALL. Good thing I didn't have expectations. Good thing I didn't buy into his I'm-a-nice-guy persona. Good thing I didn't have any kind of thoughts whatsoever about him and losing my virginity. Phew! I'm so pleased that my asshole streak remains unblemished. Meeting a nice guy may have caused the circuits in my brain to explode, and we can't have that. From here on out, it's just me and BOB (Battery Operated Boyfriend).

Note to self: must buy new perfume. Apparently current scent is man-repellant. And.... buy more batteries, it's going to be a lonely summer.