The Virginity Monologues

My Life. The Mistakes I Make. Uncensored.

Monday, June 27, 2005

Sun-kissed and that's all

So, all the blogging love that went around last Wednesday/Thursday has sent my hit counter through the roof! I'm both giddy and frightened by this. Oh well! I can't stop now! I'm addicted!

I just spent the entire weekend at a beach house on an island in southern New Jersey with Michelle. Just laying on the beach for a few days, working on nothing but my tan; which is lovely and golden thanks to the greatest invention ever- SPF. The best part about the weekened was- absolutely NO male interaction. None at all. It was so liberating! No putting on false pretenses or worrying about what to do if it ends up being a situation where someone wants to go home with someone else. I'm tired of the game. I want to like a boy, and just be able to let him know it. Don't say anything, JOE! I KNOW that this is not how it works, but I rebel against the idea of being anything other than who I really am! I'm cute! I'm funny! I'm a virgin! Take me as I am or fuck off to you and the horse you rode in on.

To those of you who are new to the blog- I frequently talk about multiple men. There's really only 2 of late that you may be confused about. There's Mr. Wrong- who, obviously, works in my building and gets me all hot and bothered about 4 times a day when I run into him. He has a girlfriend. He has, at one point, stayed at my house and slept in my bed, but nothing happened (other than a little early morning groping). He has called me a couple of times trying to come over, but I have always said no. I still want him. I can't have him. Sometimes we love each other, sometimes we hate each other. It's an interesting relationship. And there's the ex, my one and only real love. We broke up about 10 months ago, but nobody compares to him and I still miss him lots from time to time. We stayed friends and still talk from occasionally, but lately he's been ignoring me and I'm tired of that shit, so it may be the end of our friendship. I can't keep letting him hurt me just for the sake of preserving good feelings for each other.

Now, that you're all up to speed! Mr. Wrong complimented me on my cute new shoes today. And asked me about the beach. I'm in love all over again. Clearly, he's also in love with me and my hot new tan. Dramatic sigh. Could someone else more interesting, with a penis, and heterosexual, please stand up? I got someone I've GOT to get over!
