The Virginity Monologues

My Life. The Mistakes I Make. Uncensored.

Thursday, June 23, 2005

New Friends!!!!

Good news! The infection in my throat has spread to my ears! I love it! I woke up about 50 times last night cause the phlegm in my throat just wanted to chat. Argh. I'm kind of like a man when it comes to doctors, so this morning I just sucked it up, called my dad and made him phone me in a prescription of Amoxicillin. He may be a jerk, but he comes in handy sometimes.

You'll never believe it, quite frankly I can't believe it, but last night I had drinks with The Fish, Joe, and Ari. There were other people there, but they don't have blogs, so they are irrelevant (ha, ha, Kidding! Rachel, Randy and Tralen- I love you!). I literally felt like I had been asked to have lunch with the popular kids in high school. There is so much that people can hide behind on this crazy vehicle known as the internet, but these people were just as, if not more, amazing and funny than their web personas. Joe says that if I want to remain in control, then I can't give up too much information, so I won't talk about how much I hope we hang out again and let him think that I'm just wishy-washy about it.

On a more serious note- I found out some information about the ex last night. Some bad things that have happened to him recently. I shouldn't really know, and I think that he would be mad if he knew that this person had told me these things, so I can't say anything to him about it. But I feel horrible. I want to go to him and put my arms around him and tell him that everything will be okay. I'm stifled by a sense of honor and not wanting to create unnecessary friction between him and another friend, in what is obviously not a great time for him.

Ummmm, I had something else to say. Oh yeah- I was walking into the building today after making a fuss at Duane Reade, demanding my antibiotics immediately or I was going to cough on them, and Mr. Wrong and another friend were standing there. I cheerily said 'Hi' to the one that I have not slept in the same bed with, and ignored Mr. Cheater-Pants. He said, "What am I? Chopped liver?" I just laughed and sauntered into the building. I'm not wasting anymore time on conversations with him. They just make me want to rip his clothes off and I'm trying to avoid that.