The Virginity Monologues

My Life. The Mistakes I Make. Uncensored.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

When All You've Got is Hurt....

I wish I could tell you that I am making this story up, but unfortunately, I am not.

Throughout the last year, as jerk after jerk has left their mark on my life and my heart, there was always one guy that I looked to as The Good Guy (besides Email Boy, obviously). Marc had earned himself a spot on a pedestal in my life, as a friend and as a guy who seemed to genuinely always want to do the right thing. There was a night when we let the sexual tension at a party get the better of us and we almost ruined our friendship irrevocably, but I stopped things before they went too far and he apologized the next day for disrespecting me and our friendship.

Communication and interaction has been few and far between in the last few months, well, excluding the drama rama chronicled here, here, here, and here, but he has always been in the back of my mind, as the one that I would choose above all others. The one who- when other guys were jerks, it was okay, because I knew that as long as he was still out there, that good guys still existed.

So, I was pleasantly surprised to get the following text message from him last night:

'Hey cutie, what have you been up to?'

And having recently heard that he was asking Karen about me (they live next door to each other), I responded:

'Hey hot stuff, I heard you've been missing me something fierce.'

The response from him that sent me into a full-out FREAK out:

'Oh, yes. Want to come over to my place tonight so I can show you?'

WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT ALL ABOUT? Why is he treating me like some floozy in his little black book?

I spent some quality time shaking madly, pacing around my house and calling Karen frantically before I could respond.

Me: What are you going to show me?
Marc: Come over and see!
Me: Are we going to play John Madden?
Marc: No.

There is no way that I can go over there. Despite being physically indisposed (read: definitely not pregnant), I've had quality Dave and Scott time in the last week and even I have limits.

Me: Well, your timing is not so great. I can come over and I'd love to see you, but some things are off limits at this time.

And because I still have some small-town left in me and I want to believe the best in everyone, especially him, I hope that he responds and tells me to come over anyway.

No response at all.

And my heart breaks because I have just lost My Good Guy.
