The Virginity Monologues

My Life. The Mistakes I Make. Uncensored.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

You Give Me Fever

Conversation with Scott last night:

Scott: Hey babygirl, you coming over tonight?
Me: Hell to the NO. It's 105 degrees outside. I wouldn't leave my air conditioned bedroom even if Derek Jeter was begging.

Here in New York City the heat is driving us all insane. The temperature has been around 95-100, couple that with 50-60% humidity and it feels like 110-115. Add to that the heat of subways, bus exhaust, weird patches of heat coming from manholes and other uniquely fun New York elements and it's enough to convince a person that Siberia would be preferable. ANYTHING would be preferable.

No word from Dave since the text message on Monday. Let's not talk about it.

I was told recently that I have a very sexual vibe about me. I can accept that and recognize some truth in it. The problem then becomes, how do I ever get anyone to see me as more than that? How do I ever find a man who's interested in more than just screwing me? Do they even exist?
