The Virginity Monologues

My Life. The Mistakes I Make. Uncensored.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Interesting Things

Interesting Conversation:

Me: Karen, honestly who would've guessed after this last month that I would be giving Mike the boot and that I'd still be sleeping with Scott?
Karen: I would have guessed that.
Me: Really? Why?
Karen: I had a feeling that Scott would outlast all of them.
Me: Huh. Yeah, I guess I could see that. I wonder what that says about me?

Interesting things that I've been thinking about:

1. I've always loved shoes, but I've never been the kind of girl that had dozens of pairs. I had a couple of staples and I wore them constantly. Sample sales and life in New York has turned me into a shoe-owning demon. Here is a pair that I recently purchased and I feel have greatly enhanced my life. Thank you, Michael Kors for creating the perfect summer shoe that lengthens my leg considerably and only set me back $30 thanks to that sample sale. Muah.

2. Why do I love So You Think You Can Dance so much? I don't watch TV! I've never seen a full episode of any of those shows that the whole nation seems riveted by like Lost, Desperate Housewives, Prison Break, CSI, Survivor, etc, etc (except Grey's Anatomy). I blame it all on my roommates. But seriously, I freaking love that show. I have actually cried when some of my favorites got kicked off.

3. Another reason that New York City rocks? Cause I get to go to book signings and meet people like Dave Barry. I love him.