The Virginity Monologues

My Life. The Mistakes I Make. Uncensored.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

The Joy of.....

Last night, my life changed forever. I finally, FINALLY purchased......... a Full-Size Ironing board!

Since I moved into my current apartment (a year and a half ago), I have been using one of those ridiculous mini table top ironing boards and it has been the bane of my existence. It took away all of the pleasure that I used to find in ironing.

I couldn't take it anymore.

So last night, I took myself up to Target in the Bronx, had to wait in line behind, quite possibly the worlds most inconsiderate people. (30 items in the express line? HELLO! Learn to count! And, if your card is declined, it means it DOESN'T WORK! Don't try it 10 more times. You just look STUPID!) And then hauled that ironing board all the way back home.

And then ironed about 20 different articles of clothing while watching The Cutting Edge. It was a beautiful, beautiful night for me.

This morning, I hopped cheerfully out of bed and sauntered over to my closet, FULL of freshly ironed things to wear this morning. Oh the possibilities! I was desperate to wear my favorite white cotton skirt- with pleats and a pretty print in black on it, but decided white skirts are not a smart decision during certain times of the month. So, it's freshly pressed folds must wait.

Ironing Joy has been restored!

Side note- I've recently been accused of having "intense eyes". By more than one person. Not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing.