The Virginity Monologues

My Life. The Mistakes I Make. Uncensored.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Lack of Fireworks

I spent my 4th of July weekend this year, almost the exact same way I spent it last year- in Washington D.C. Just like last year- we went to a fantastically fun crab restaurant for dinner one of the nights and then spent an entire day floating the Potomac River. It was fun, but there were too many people and it was a major production to do anything. By the end of the weekend I was a cranky, tired mess and I just wanted to GET HOME, which of course ended up taking way longer than it should have. For some seriously wacked out reason, my friends are incapable of filling up the gas tank in a timely manner. Twice now, with the same group of friends, we have been driving desperately and aimlessly on fumes, praying with all our might that a gas station shows up soon. It irritates the FUCK out of me.

I was also cranky because I was using a new sunscreen, which my skin did not react well to. My face and chest and back are red and blotchy and it's nasty. Even if I wanted to date someone now (I don't), a man would have to be completely blind to find me attractive.

Another reason for crankiness was complete lack of sleep. Due to the large number of us in a not so large house, since I was the shortest, I was relegated to the 'short couch' (no relation to the 'short bus') and spent 3 nights on a couch 2 feet too short for me. Plus, because I was in the living room, I was awake when the first people of the house were awake (generally around 8 am), even though we went to bed at 3 am every night. So on the last night, I forced my good friend to make some room for me on his aero bed because I wasn't spending one more night on that fucking couch. Luckily, he bent to my will, let me crash next to him and only grabbed my ass once in the night (he probably would have tried for more, but probably reeled in horror when he got a good look at the The Great Rash on my face).

I got one text message from Scott. Something to the tune of 'hey baby', with no mention of standing me up for the 500th time. I didn't respond. I just don't want to play this game anymore. And I think I mean it this time.