The Virginity Monologues

My Life. The Mistakes I Make. Uncensored.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Caught With His Pants Down

I've been accused of fabricating this blog. On more than one occasion. After days like yesterday, I wish that were true.

I confess, I like to read the Casual Encounters section of Craigslist. It's amusing! It's a fun place to escape for about 5 minutes when I'm drowning in work (which is a LOT these days). Imagine my surprise when I read a subject line that is verbatim to something that Mike had said to me earlier a few days ago. Intrigued, I read the posting. Once I was finished, I was 95% positive it had been posted by Mike, the man that I had recently gone on a 3rd date with and was thinking that maybe this had potential. So, I stole Spatch's idea, created a new email address under a fake name and responded to his post.

I got a reply this morning- with pictures. Definitely Mike. AWESOME! Needless to say, he won't be hearing from me anymore. What a douche-bag. I know we're not exclusive and he can do whatever he wants, I just wasn't expecting to find that he had been actively soliciting for sex with strangers. That's maybe crossing the line. Maybe.

Interestingly enough- after spending the night with him, Scott text messaged me and called me the next day. Surprised would be the appropriate word for my reaction. I wasn't expecting to hear from him again for about 2ish weeks. Men make no sense. Or maybe he finally realized what a treasure I am and doesn't want to let me go this time (insert snort of derision).