The Virginity Monologues

My Life. The Mistakes I Make. Uncensored.

Monday, December 10, 2007

And I can't let go of your hand

I went to sleep last night deliriously happy. Yesterday was the perfect day.

I found the perfect new top for our company holiday party.

My roommate/BFF and I got ourselves a Christmas tree and decorated it while watching White Christmas and eating overly frosted sugar cookies and drinking egg nog and mulled apple cider. It was a deliciously Christmas-y evening.

Plus, all day long, I continually ran over the phone conversation in my head that had taken place at 4 am, the previous night.

Having walked in my door at 3:45 and semi-upset over instances that had just taken place, I wanted to talk to Oscar. And since he is the KING of calling me at odd hours of the night to talk, I figured I was well within my rights to call HIM in the wee hours of the morning. And I have to admit, I was also decidedly curious as to what would happen when I call him at 4 am on a Saturday night.

I was delighted beyond belief when he answered groggily. He was home. Asleep. ALONE.

We chatted for a few minutes, but he was tired enough that conversation was difficult. I apologized for having woken him.

“Don’t worry ‘bout a thing, babygirl,” he said, “you can call me ANYTIME you want.”

“Really?” I replied incredulously.


This morning, as my train ride to midtown was taking MUCH longer than it should have and I groaned inwardly as my express train moved to the local track, I felt this was a sign that my day was not going to go well.

I was right.

In a stunning last minute announcement, our company was doing lay-offs. One of my closest work friends was not spared. Right before Christmas. I am sad and disheartened and feeling horribly about myself because I’m relieved that it wasn’t me.

Today's Title from: Cold Water by Damien Rice
