The Virginity Monologues

My Life. The Mistakes I Make. Uncensored.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

But to me, coming from you, Friend is a four letter word

I’m angry.

I’m angry with the people in my life who let me down during the last 2 weeks. Let’s get this straight- I had major surgery, with an incredibly difficult recovery. If you promised me you would come and visit me while I spent days and days laying on my couch wishing for death, then proceeded to barely even contact me during this time frame- YOU ARE AN ASSHOLE.

There’s a couple of people. A Couple of people who I have previously DEFINITELY gone out of my way for. Birthdays. Treks out to their places in the wee hours of the morning. Dinners. What not. I am a DAMN GOOD FRIEND. And they completely dropped the ball during one of my BIGGEST times of need.


Other than that- life is weird. When my doctor came out to talk to Karen after the surgery, she told Karen that she had taken a little more out of the right side to take care of my sleep apnea.


Who knew I had sleep apnea? Not me!

So, maybe it’s because I got to sleep for 8 days straight. Or maybe its because I no longer have sleep apnea? But I feel different. I feel like I have 10,000 times more energy than before. Aside from the residual pain that ties me to painkillers every 3-4 hours, I feel the best that I’ve felt in a long, long time.

It’s weird.

And obviously, I am still not dating. And I’m loving the drama-freeness of my life.

Today's Title from: Friend is a 4 Letter Word by Cake