The Virginity Monologues

My Life. The Mistakes I Make. Uncensored.

Monday, June 11, 2007

It's a small crime, And I've got no excuse


In an amoxicillin/thera-flu/aleve induced coma on Friday, I, uh, may have accidentally rejected some comments. It was not intentional! I was confused about all the buttons!

So, I offer my sincerest apologies to Shaun, A Lover and a Fighter, Coco and L. Luckily, I get all my comments emailed to me, so I still have a copy of all your lovely words and they will bring me much warmth in the months to come, I'm sure.

Oscar. How I needlessly worried about him.

Here's the rundown:

Thursday night, he called me and I informed him that I was ill, and I feel like I made it pretty clear it wasn't any pansy illness, but this was Wanting-To-Die Sick. He offered his condolences and told me he would call me on Friday to check up on me.

Haven't heard a word from him since.


Did I mention that was Thursday?

Nice knowing ya! See ya!

I think the fact that I'm not really that upset about it is a good indicator that we weren't headed for true love anyway.

Moving on.

I'm feeling better. It still hurts everytime I swallow, but I no longer have to prepare myself for the pain of each swallow by gripping tightly to whatever is closest to me. So that's good. I was having some trouble sleeping, due to the extreme phlegm in my throat, as it would close up my airway and I'd wake myself up because I couldn't breathe (FUN!), but then Karen introduced me to the most wonderful invention ever. Theraflu in a tea-like form. DING DONG.

Hands down the best sleep I've ever had 2 nights in a row, which I think is probably a lot of the reason that I am feeling so much better.

Plus, I had a really fantastic weekend.

Saturday, Karen and I went out to Long Beach again for the day. We had hoped to get ourselves some lovely color on the beach, but the sun did not cooperate and we were forced to pack it in shortly after arriving due to extreme cold. Luckily, Maria lives mere blocks from the beach, so we went back to her place, ate some food and drank some beer and hung out with some others friends whose beach plans had been thwarted by the weather.

We also played approximately 2-3 hours of Guitar Hero. The greatest video game ever invented.

Then we all had dinner together. Then Karen and I hit the 11:13 train back to Manhattan, and I have never been more glad in my entire life to snuggle into my bed.

Sunday morning, I wake to a text from Spatch, sent at 3:40 am the night before requesting gym or brunch? I assess my physical state and text back that maybe we should stick to brunch.

Spatch, Ana and I meet at Alice's Tea Cup (my FAVORITE brunch place) at 12:30 and manage to avoid an hour and a half wait. The three of us are such an interesting mix, I am so glad that circumstances have brought us together, because there's no way we ever would have met otherwise. We talk and talk and talk. About alter egos and the trouble with being known by 2 different names, about how Big Production Sex isn't always what we want and about my frustrations with my less-than-attentive doctor.

After brunch we head back to Spatch's place and I am green with envy at her new location and the adorable dog she gets to live with. We lounge on her bed as we discuss locations for some new lights she purchased at a stoop sale. I'm comfortable and full. I could have happily stayed on Spatch's bed for the entire day, cuddling with the dog and hearing Ana and Spatch's stories about the Burning Man community. I leave them, consoled in the knowledge that I will be seeing them again on Thursday.

Today's Title from: 9 Crimes by Damien Rice

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