The Virginity Monologues

My Life. The Mistakes I Make. Uncensored.

Friday, June 08, 2007

I think I need a little help this time!

Okay, I've been a bit of a slacker lately. I've been pretty busy.

And I've been sick. Tonsilitis for the 4th time in as many months. I went to see my doctor who told me the exact same thing that he told me when I went in for tonsilitis the last time- next time it happens, he'll send me to an ear, nose, throat specialist. I am wondering exactly how many times my doctor will treat me for this before he's actually going to send me to the specialist.

I'm a little frustrated.

And my thoat hurts.

Overall though, it was a pretty decent week. Dinner with Email Boy on Monday, a night with Oscar on Tuesday, and dinner with Spatch on Wednesday. The continuous non-stop activity may be a large part of the reason why I woke up wanting to die on Thursday.

Can't say for sure though.

I haven't talked about Oscar much lately. I don't really know what to say. Things are good. We're learning how to deal with each others idiosyncracies. He calls almost everyday and he's really attentive to me. He wants me to start staying at his place for a larger portion of the week.

I am hesitant.

And I don't really have a good solid reason. I'm unusually ambivalent. I enjoy being with him, but I don't ache for him and I don't crave him.

Am I supposed to?

Today's Title from: Just Feel Better by Carlos Santana and Steven Tyler

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