The Virginity Monologues

My Life. The Mistakes I Make. Uncensored.

Friday, May 25, 2007

It's the greatest high you set the floor on fire

So, I have 2 confessions to make.

1. I run into people on purpose, regularly. And by 'people', I mean tourists. I did it just this morning. I walked out of the subway and headed down the street to my office. A LARGE bus was gushing forth tourists onto the sidewalk in front of me. And they all stood on the sidewalk like cattle, filling the sidewalk and blocking it for everyone trying to pass by as they gazed up at the tall buildings, unable to believe their eyes, at 9:00 am, at a time when the sidewalks are FILLED with New Yorkers walking briskly to their offices.

Now, I know that this is the price that I pay for living in the coolest city in the world. And complaining about the tourists is SO cliche.

But people, FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS HOLY, pay attention!!!!! Notice your surroundings!!! People are trying to get by!!!!!

So I squared my shoulders and rammed through, not caring who I took out in the process, and never looking back at my Wake of Destruction. I don't even care.

2. Normally, I am not a TV person. I watch Grey's Anatomy like every other female on the planet and I Tivo What Not to Wear so I always have something to watch when I want to just chill in front of the TV for a while. Other than that, I'd rather be reading or making out with someone. Last summer my roommate was an avid watcher of So You Think You Can Dance (SYTYCD) and I admit it, I'm ADDICTED.

Last night, I ran my requisite two miles, then jumped on the elliptical and planned to only be on there about 20ish minutes.

8:02 pm: As I pumped my legs and arms to the tunes of my beloved Jay-Z, I noticed that the girl on the elliptical next to me was watching SYTYCD and I almost fell off my elliptical. I hadn't been paying attention! I hadn't realized it was starting again!!! As fast as I could, I pulled my headphones out of my iPod and jammed them into the TV, planning to watch it while I finished on the elliptical, thinking it would only be a half an hour (don't ask me why I made that assumption, I am clearly, an idiot).

8:30: The show is still going. I think it's going to go for an hour, so I plan another 15 minutes on the elliptical, then plan to jump on a bike to finish off the show.

8:59: The show is still going. I realize it's at least an hour and a half, maybe two hours. I can't work out for one second more. My legs feel like lead. At a commercial break, I get off the bike, call my roommate and ask her to Tivo the rest of the show for me, then waddle home.

Total workout time:
Treadmill: 40 minutes
Elliptical: 45 minutes
Stationary Bike: 15 minutes

Working out for an extra 45 minutes so I can watch So You Think You Can Dance: Priceless

Today's Title from: We're Dancing by P.Y.T.
