The Virginity Monologues

My Life. The Mistakes I Make. Uncensored.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Go and try; you’ll never break me

Present Mood: IRRITATED.

Why? Because men are so effing stupid. Except Email Boy. He is exempt from this rant.

Oscar and I have been seeing each other for 1 week and a half. Not even 2 full weeks. I've seen him 3 times in that time period. And trust me, that is a lot for me. I don't see anyone that much, unless I work or live with them. I haven't seen him since Saturday and he's getting all pissy with me because I don't call him enough. I just called him on my lunch break (he called me twice last night and I didn't call him back as I didn't have time) and all he did was bitch at me for 'disappearing' and being 'Miss Nonchalant'. I was so frustrated with the phone conversation I was practically in tears, then I remembered that I don't cry over men anymore and I reigned in that emotion lickety-split.

I think I'm going to have to end this. I really like him. I do. But he gets mad at me A LOT. For not telling him things (i.e. what I tell my friends about him), for not calling him enough, for having a smart-mouth (HELLO! Do you know me at all? Smart-mouthing is what I do!) for basically everything. It's ABSURD and it's irritating. I shouldn't have to account for every minute of my life to someone I haven't been dating for a whole month even. I mean, FUCK.

And Cam has come bizarrely out of nowhere and started stalking me. Calls and texts all weekend, which I never answered. Then a text last night, requesting to see me. Whatever. First of all, you don't get to ignore me for an entire month, then pop up out of nowhere and expect me to be available to you. I'm not here for your convenience, as much as that may come as a shock to you. Not to mention, you're terrible in the sack. SEE YA.

The really awesome finale to this rant is that on Monday night, Mr. Wrong called me twice at 2 am and left me these awful drunk rambling messages. I haven't answered his calls in SEVEN months. It's been a full seven months since I told that fucker where to stick it and I still can't shake his ridiculous ass. WHAT DOES IT TAKE?!?!?!?


Today's Title from: Welcome to the Black Parade by My Chemical Romance

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