The Virginity Monologues

My Life. The Mistakes I Make. Uncensored.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

To Russia, With Love

Let's talk about the cutest kid I've ever met. So, I have previously mentioned that I lived in Russia for 6 months, approximately 7 years ago. I lived with a family. My Russian mom was the best. Her and I grew very close while I lived there and I grew to love her as my own mother. She had brothers that lived in the same city and we would frequently go to their houses for dinner. One of her brothers had a son, who was 14. Keep in mind- I was 20. His name was Serge. He was ADORABLE. Seriously adorable. And man, did that kid have a crush on me. Everytime they came over he brought me flowers. Whenever I was over at their house, without my mom, he would take me home. Dinners at their house often turned into parties, complete with weird games and dancing. The games would often involve kissing. They always put me next to Serge. They always made me dance with Serge. He cried at the train station when I left. He gave me a beautiful little statue that still sits on my bookcase, and a ring which I have subsequently lost. Don't tell him. His mom would often corner me and tell me how good it is for the woman to be six years older than the man. Sometimes, I catch myself thinking about this adorable Russian boy. I talked to my host mom for many years after I left and she would always tell me that he still waited for me. Does he still wait?

Side note- I started taking the pill about a month ago. Since starting it, my already substantial breasts have grown even more substantial. I'm ticked. And seriously- to the men- we can TELL when you're staring at them. Discretion is generally a good idea when checking out the twins. Just a little tip.