The Virginity Monologues

My Life. The Mistakes I Make. Uncensored.

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Tonight is NOT The Night

You'll all be pleased to know that I have absolutely, irrevocably decided not to have sex with DH (that's Dickhead, NOT designated hitter). I still may go out/hook up with him, but I will give him the facts straight up before we head out to his place in BFE and give him the opportunity to tell me to fuck off, it's not worth his time. Whether or not I meet up with him later will be completely determined by him. At this point, no details have been ironed out about when and where to meet. So if I haven't heard from him by the end of the day- he loses and I'm going to the gym, which would be disappointing because I got up early today just to shave my legs. But I have been neglecting my admirer there and I really need to remedy that.

I haven't talked much about my job, but I love it. I LOVE it. I never in a million years dreamed that I would ever be able to do something like I'm doing. It's not that glamorous, I don't hob nob with the rich and famous, but for a girl from an insignificant city in an insignificant state, it pretty much rocks. A former co-worker offered me a job today- at the coolest company in New York City and it pays more money. I hate when things like that happen and you actually have to make a decision. I'm pretty positive I won't leave my current position, that would be a silly career move, but it's tempting.