The Virginity Monologues

My Life. The Mistakes I Make. Uncensored.

Friday, April 29, 2005


Someone asked me the other day what exactly I want from Gym Boy. This is a tough one to answer. Because, the differences between us could fill the Grand Canyon. I am a caucasion girl from a middle class family and Suburbia. I have an unhealthy relationship with my iPod and designer handbags and it's evident from the 3 inch heels and requisite blacks suits that I am a card-carrying member of Corporate America. Obviously there is much more to me than these details, but they are part of the defining characteristics of who I am. Who is he? He's born and bred Harlem. Him and his pals call each other those words that white people aren't allowed to say, and he's got corn-rows. Really, can this ever work? What is the best-case scenario? I have learned that realistic expectations lead to the least amount of hurt and disappointment. Ideally, I would like to go out with him, a couple of times, maybe, and kiss him a lot, and touch his perfect arms. In reality, I am drawn to him, because these days, I just want something not necessarily cheap, but more like cost effective or frugal. I want something that doesn't require a great deal of emotion from me. I don't want to give my heart. I don't want to have it stomped on. I don't want to cry everyday for 2 months when it doesn't work out. I want someone to laugh with and practice blow-jobs on. Is that bad?

I saw him again last night. I was there much later than normal, as I had met some people for dinner pre-gym. Normally I would have just bagged the gym, but I wanted to see him and I'm training for a 10K and have to get so many miles in every week, or I'll never make it that 6.2 miles. So, I got there, headed for the treadmills and passed him and Co. on the way. He must not have been expecting to see me, he did a double take. It may have been that my hair was still down. I try to leave it down as much as possible, because I am vain and think that I have great hair, and I hate the way my face looks with my hair pulled back. But once on the treadmill, I have to focus, as running is almost completely mental for me, and by the time I was off, he was gone. So, nothing good to report. Something has got to give here!