The Virginity Monologues

My Life. The Mistakes I Make. Uncensored.

Thursday, April 21, 2005

The best laid plans.....

So, over a couple of beers last night, a plan was hatched. I've decided that it's time to "break the seal" as a friend once said to me, not referring to that whole- 'don't go pee when you're drinking' phenomenon, but another seal entirely. I'm tired of being a virgin. I'm missing out on something everyone else is experiencing. I'm an incomplete person, right? I'm relatively attractive and a riot to boot, so there's no reason on God's green earth why I should still be a virgin. None! But I'm not dating anyone, and no one's going to date me when they find out I am hymenally challenged. Seriously. Some guys think it's hot, but they're just dirty, kinda. Anyway. There's only one person that I would consider it with. You know who that is folks- that's right, Mr. Ex. It makes sense, it really does. It would be special, as it would be the first time for both of us (assuming he hasn't been gettin' incredibly busy since we broke up), and it wouldn't be cheap and it would be with someone who has and continues to mean a lot to me. Thoughts? Can I get a hell ya? Now if only I can convince him. That's the tough part. He's all noble and shit and probably won't do it because he thinks I won't be able to handle it. I hate that. This is not a time for hesitation!
