The Virginity Monologues

My Life. The Mistakes I Make. Uncensored.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Complications Arise

So, I recently installed something on my blog that tells me how many people are visiting it, etc, etc, and I realized that there are a lot more people reading this than I thought. That freaks me out a little. But as long as none of you are my ex-boyfriend or my mother, then we're fine!

I wasn't going to tell about this. But I have to. Dickhead contacted me yesterday. He wants to get together tomorrow night. This brings up 2 questions. One- do I do it? Do I sacrifice self-respect for some of that earth-shaking, mind-blowing action? I'm thinking yes. I'm serious when I tell you that there aren't words that can accurately portray how hot last Friday was. Regardless of his worth as a human being, this man is passion in squeeze bottle. Next question- do I have sex with him? If I don't, is he gonna kill me? When 2 people are getting together for the sole purpose of nakedness- can I have a meaningful conversation with him pre-festivities about my status as a virgin and the issues that arise with that? Or do I just wait until the moment is upon us and say, "Please be gentle!"

As a side note- what am I going to do with this blog once I lose my virginity? Then that'll be like false advertising or something.