The Virginity Monologues

My Life. The Mistakes I Make. Uncensored.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Maybe give me insight between black and white

I went to court this morning.

And I got what I wanted. The judge even winked at me. I'm going to think it's because I'm such a smarty-pants and not because I'm cute.


I had the distinct pleasure of attending a Mets game last night with Email Boy. In between ridiculous conversations involving our love lives and our incessant troubles with oral sex, we discussed his goals for the future, made plans to clean out his closet and came up with a To-Do list for his days now that he is starting his own business. Why he values my business advice, I have no idea (especially after I could not successfully divide 400 by 50. It's 8. But I said 80. Because I'm a genius), but I'm more than happy to give it.

We also discussed his new wardrobe choices.

EB: What does this outfit say to you?

Me: That you were a techno junkie in high school and that you spend your evenings working on your robot girlfriend.

EB: I want it to say- What you see is what you get.

Me: Is part of what they're getting an introduction to your robot girlfriend?

After such a stimulating conversation, I was surprised to get a call from him today, requesting my okay for an outfit he was wearing to a business meeting. I'm beginning to think that him not being employed in a 9-5 job anymore is going to seriously affect my work productivity....

Today's Title from: Closer to Fine by Indigo Girls
