The Virginity Monologues

My Life. The Mistakes I Make. Uncensored.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Did you squint to see who you were stepping on?


Current life-situations are such that I find it almost impossible to be light-hearted. Every minute of my life is shadowed by my overwhelming fear of Wednesday morning and all the legal mumbo-jumbo I have to wade through in the interim.

In order to keep the Apartment Management Company tyranny at bay as much as possible, I filled my weekend to the absolute gills.

Friday night I met my fabulous friend, Maria, at the Metropolitan Museum of Art to see the new Greek and Roman galleries, which I have been very anxious to see. Afterwards we grabbed dinner and talked non-stop throughout. I'm sort of anti-sappy these days, but I have to say that more I get to know her, the more I absolutely adore her.

After leaving Maria, I hit Astoria, Queens to slumber-party it up with my longest New York Friend, K, whom I haven't seen nearly enough of in the previous months. We stayed up late talking, laughing and watching ridiculous TV. We slept in late the next morning, gorged ourselves on various-fruit-pancakes with a plethora of condiments (chocolate syrup, whipped cream, maple syrup, lingonberry sauce, etc, etc), then proceeded to continue watching lots of ridiculous TV.

Exactly what I needed.

I finally dragged my sorry as home, to get ready for a house party in Williamsburg (that's Brooklyn for you non-New Yorkers) thrown by my darling Email Boy and friends. Since I only knew Email Boy and my roommate who I had dragged along with me, in my boredom, I drank myself into an alcohol coma. Not really. But I was wishing I was in a coma when I was puking my guts out once I got home.


The next morning dawned beautiful. I STRUGGLED to get out of bed, as I was officially the Queen of Hangover Land. But I had a brunch to be at and people to not disappoint. Thank the heavens for Aleve and Pepto Bismol.

Brunch with Spatch and friends was fun. Perusing a multitude of sex shops in the West Village- even more fun. After separating from her friends, Spatch and I made our way back up to her apartment, then onto Central Tourist Avenue, otherwise known as 34th street for some shoe shopping. Once we had exhausted ourselves in the shops, we headed down to Madison Square Park for one of my MOST favorite New York City activities- The Shake Shack. I have previously put my foot squarely in the Burger Joint camp, and although Shake Shack burgers may not be the best, they are still DELICIOUS. And getting to lounge on the soft grass of the park while we ate them, was heaven.

Still feeling pretty nauseous, I eventually called it a night and headed home.

Total amount of down-time for the weekend, was approximately 5 hours.

People to Thank For Keeping Me Sane While Every Second Is a Fight Not to Cry:
1. Spatch. E-Cards and Encouragement and a perfect understanding of when I absolutely cannot talk about it anymore.
2. Email Boy. A perfectly timed call just to say hi today, when a serious breakdown was looming. And he doesn't even know about The Issue. Plus, he's taking me to a Mets game tomorrow. God, I love him.

Today's Title from: Badd Business by Phantom Planet

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