The Virginity Monologues

My Life. The Mistakes I Make. Uncensored.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

I've got this feelin' that won't subside

There is nothing worse than finishing a meal and realizing, you're still seriously hungry. This has happened to me now twice this week. The first time was at the Mets game. I had eaten a small lunch, as I knew I would be eating lots of not-so-healthy food later. After polishing off my hot dog and french fries at the game, I thought to myself- Hey, I could really go for another hot dog. I refrained though, as Email Boy and I have a 4th inning ice cream tradition and I was loathe to be likened in his brain to Chunk from The Goonies. There's limits to how many times I'll do the Truffle Shuffle in my lifetime.

I am suffering from Post-Meal-Hunger again now. But that's largely due to 2 things.

1. I am on a new budget. I have recently become aware that I spend money like Donald Trump in a hair-piece store. I don't know where it all goes! I'm fairly certain that the top 3 culprits are food, clothes and alcohol though. Anyhoo- to curb my spending I've enforced a new budget on myself that requires me to actually bring lunch from home a few times a week, instead of forking over $6-$10 to the deli next door every day. Bringing food from home means Lean Cuisines. I've got a freezer full of them. And as a delicious as they may be (I'm being serious, I think they're yummy), the portion size is meager, to say the least. Hence- hunger. Plus for breakfast, all I had was a bowl of Special K.

2. Although I'm not on a diet (just the idea of going on one immediately makes me run for the nearest McDonalds and get a LARGE fry), I'm thinking that I should maybe be a little healthier, maybe a little more aware of the weight I am carrying around in my ass. Hence, the Lean Cuisines and the Special K; and the hunger.....

So, anyone in the New York City area, if you hear the rumblings- don't be alarmed, it's not another thunderstorm. Its my stomach.

Today's Title from: Hungry Eyes by Eric Carmen