The Virginity Monologues

My Life. The Mistakes I Make. Uncensored.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Don't try to push your luck, just get out of my way

I'm back!

I actually returned to my glorious city on Christmas Day around 11 pm, but I took the day off work yesterday so I could sleep in and spend some time hanging around my city in the holidays. Which was a mistake. Too many people! Go back to Kansas everyone! For fuck's sake!

Home was good. It's always startling to me to get back in the family groove and to realize that we are a pretty eff-ed up group of people. We all hate my step-dad. We tolerate my step-mom because she's superficially the nicest person you've ever met, although quite manipulative behind the scenes and ubiquitously bra-less. For the most part, in-laws are welcomed into the fold with open arms. My brother-in-law is a total rock star and if we could clone him I would marry him in an instant. My sister-in-law- wife of the brother closest to my age is fantastic. She's a crap-load of fun and I really enjoy being around her. She made several comments while I was there, however, which only solidified my decision that the whole of my family will never know the truth of my life. They lean a little toward self-righteous and it frightens me to think of what they'll say about me when I'm not around if they knew that alcohol is a regular part of my life, as is the type of sexual escapades that have been interesting enough for my last two lovers to have deemed me 'freaky'.

All in all- as my plane touched down in New York City, I shed a few tears at the sheer relief of being someplace that I felt like I belonged. And when I turned on my phone, there was a message from Cam, wanting me to come and see him when I got in. I didn't go. It was late, I was tired and grumpy and a little emotionally disheveled. But it was nice to be wanted. To know that I didn't have to be alone.

Today's Title from: Back in Black by AC/DC