The Virginity Monologues

My Life. The Mistakes I Make. Uncensored.

Friday, December 08, 2006

I've loved like I should but lived like I shouldn't

Dearest Scott-

I didn't think it would ever happen. I didn't think there would EVER be a time when I would not ache for you, when I would not long to talk to you.


It happened. Shortly after our IMing conversation a few days ago, when we talked about your family and I apologized for not being more understanding about a situation that I knew nothing about (silly, I know, but that's the kind of person that I am). And we agreed to be friends. Strictly platonic friends. You promised to take me out for my birthday, and we both expressed a desire to remain in contact.

While we were talking, an instant-messaging window from Cam (him and I have been seeing each other for a while now, he's the guy that I wouldn't tell you about) popped up. He wanted to see me. He had bought Syriana and didn't want to watch it alone (it IS a little depressing), so he wanted me to watch it with him. Plans were made for that evening.

After that I was done talking to you, I had said my peace and didn't want to drag the conversation on longer than necessary, so I signed off IM.

About an hour later, I had a message on my cell phone from Cam. He got called to play in a basketball game that night (he's in like 10 intramural basketball leagues) and said how sorry he was, but could we reschedule movie night?

Scott, you were great. Absolutely fabulous. But you never would have done that. You would have simply not called and let me spend all evening fuming about what had happened to you. You would not have answered calls or text messages. You would have just... disappeared. I know this because you did it to me AT LEAST 10 times. I lived in HOLY TERROR of it every time we made plans, which is why I learned NEVER to make advance plans with you.

And there it was. What I knew in my head FINALLY made its way to my heart and your lingering presence was gone.

I may still have an enormous ass. But I feel about 50 pounds lighter.


Today's Title from: Movin' On by Rascal Flatts
