The Virginity Monologues

My Life. The Mistakes I Make. Uncensored.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

And so it is, Just like you said it would be

If you had pulled me aside at 18 and shown me a montage of clips from my life 10 years down the road, I don't know that I would have been pleased at how my life had turned out. Sure, I probably would have been impressed with the perceived glamour. The life in New York City. The Corporate America job at a revered company. The increasingly improving hair/makeup/clothing. The gorgeous and absolutely fantastic friends. The swanky vendor dinners. But I would have been disappointed that at 28, I would still be boyfriend/husband-less.

I never, EVER, imagined that at just a hop, skip and a jump away from 30, I would not be married and procreating. My entire life goal was to be deeply imbedded in the institution, mainly because I've always been a very horny individual and back then I believed in waiting until marriage to have sex, so I wanted to be married as soon as possible!

Fast forward 10 years, and while I'll admit that there are times when I HATE my single status (i.e. when I had moved into my new apartment and had forgotten to have the power switched over to my name and ended up without power for 4 days because THAT's how long it takes Con Ed to turn on power), but for the most part- I genuinely don't want to be married.

I like my freedom and my independence. I like it that I don't have to divide holidays between people that I love and people that I tolerate. I don't ever have to check in with anyone regarding my activities for the evening- I can booze it up as late as I want! I like the idea that there are possibilities everywhere for love. I like that I will still get to feel butterflies and experience first kisses. I like that I can walk into Banana Republic and buy a new skirt and not have to ask permission from anyone before plunking down my credit card. I like that I can spend an entire weekend with my best friend and not worry about neglecting someone else.

They say that the grass is always greener, but I think the grass is pretty green right where I'm standing. I wish I could tell that to my 18 year old self.

Today's Title from: The Blower's Daughter by Damien Rice