The Virginity Monologues

My Life. The Mistakes I Make. Uncensored.

Monday, November 27, 2006

The angels wanna wear my red shoes

Thanksgiving weekend. Last year it was all sorts of eventful for me, as Marc and I were in the throes of liking each other at the time and still trying to find our bearings about our relationship (which, by the way, we never actually did find our bearings, and a year later, we have gotten absolutely nowhere, except maybe a little more bitter towards each other). This year, I was still battling ridiculous and irrational emotions for Scott, just hoping that at no point over the weekend would I lose my control and end up back in his bed.

I did not end up in Scott's bed. I didn't even hear from the fucker. Which is obviously, for the best.

I did however, put on hold (which I will be purchasing as soon as I have the remaining funds necessary) the most fabulous shoes ever created. Isaac Mizrahi Mary Jane burgundy pumps. Yowsa. No man will ever satisfy me in the way that these shoes can.
I spent last night with Cam. We hadn't seen each other in a while, and it was good to be with him. I like spending time with him. I like it that he always beg me to stay when I leave. I like it that I'm very comfortable with him and that I never get the impression that he tells me things just because its what I want to hear (Scott was the King of Platitudes). Right now, Cam is perfect for me. I get to have fun with him, but I don't have to give my heart. I like him. But I don't ache for him. I don't crave him. I don't need him. And I like that. I like keeping my heart in a box where it can't be touched.
Today's Title from: Red Shoes by Elvis Costello
