The Virginity Monologues

My Life. The Mistakes I Make. Uncensored.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Turkey for the girls and Turkey for the boys

I don't really understand why Scott just won't go away? Why does he keep communicating with someone who has told him that she doesn't want to hear from him anymore? Is he a glutten for punishment? Is there more of an emotional attachment than I thought? Or does he just want to get freaky again?

There was a brief instant messaging conversation yesterday. Apparently he misses me and wanted to know if I was sleeping with anyone else. I refused to answer. Not any of his business anymore, really.

I laid in bed last night, contemplating the situation. Trying to reinforce to my heart all the things that my head knows.

My phone dinged with a text message. It read:

I do miss you.
From: Scott

That's nice, motherfucker. Thank for continuing to make me cry. I really appreciate it.

Have a happy Thanksgiving!

Todays Title from: The Thanksgiving Song by Adam Sandler
