The Virginity Monologues

My Life. The Mistakes I Make. Uncensored.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Sugar, We're Goin Down

I'm so exhausted I could probably slip into a coma for about a week and come out of it still needing a few more hours of sleep. Fiascos and trauma at my day job, coupled with weeknight shifts at my second job are putting enough of a strain on my over-worked body and mind to automatically point my feet in the direction of Starbucks when I get off the subway to order myself a significantly oversized coffee. And I don't even drink coffee.

Email Boy? Who's he?

The boy I went on a date with last week? He sent me multiple text messages in the first few days, showing a lot of interest in going out again. I could barely summon the energy to respond. Needless to say, attention from him in the ensuing days has dwindled. Why? Because the thought of trying to start a relationship right now causes my head to immediately explode.

I just told a friend to count me out on a party Friday night because I just want to go home and watch Brown Sugar, cause I recently discovered it has Mos Def in it and I love him. Although, I can't really ever show my face in Blockbuster again because the last time I rented movies I turned them a few days (read: over a week) late. Are they still doing that No Late Fees business? I can't remember.