The Virginity Monologues

My Life. The Mistakes I Make. Uncensored.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Celebrity Mania

Last night I had a business dinner at The Mesa Grill. At the table sitting next to us was Dee Snider, in all his mullet glory. After relaying this piece of information to my sister this morning (all celebrity sightings must be reported to her), I was informed that I was under strict orders from my brother-in-law, a serious hair band fan in his youth, that I was never again to be in the same room as such an icon and not get his autograph.

But, the only person that I have ever asked for their autograph was Bono. And that was because it was a situation where it was completely socially acceptable. He wasn't trying to have a private dinner with his family, he was outside a concert surrounded by screaming girls. If that's not the right opportunity to get mine, then I don't know what is.

Generally, I like to play it cool. I didn't ask for an autograph when I was at the movies and sitting directly in front of Kevin Bacon with his daughter, or when I was in an elevator with Owen Wilson (it was just the 2 of us), although I considered asking for his brother's phone number, and I somehow managed to refrain from accosting Jeremy Piven when I stood next to him at a stoplight, waiting to cross the street, although that one was tough. I like to say that I avoid assailing celebrities because they deserve their times of anonymity and I am a jaded New Yorker who doesn't get excited about those things. But it could really be that I am just a gigantic chicken.

I can't honestly say I could keep it together if ever confronted with my man, Jeter. Not that he ever would, no matter how suave I would be, but I doubt that acting like a sniveling 14 year old isn't the most conducive path to seeing the inside of his bedroom, naked (him too). Unless I resort to breaking and entering, which is not necessarily the worst idea, but again, not going to win me a place in his heart.....