The Virginity Monologues

My Life. The Mistakes I Make. Uncensored.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

The Kiss of Death

The purest form of torture is the silent cell phone. I makes rules for myself to curb my obsessive-compulsive phone checking habit. When I go to the bodega, I don't take my phone with me. I can't check my phone until I've actually left the movie theater (as opposed to checking it the second the movie is over). I put my phone in my room while I am in the kitchen/living room area, to keep it out of immediate range. To trick it into thinking that I don't care if it rings.

But it doesn't work. It remains silent.

Taunting me. Telling me that I didn't make the cut. I wasn't good enough to merge from a Saturday night pick-up to a weekday date.

Why do men lie? Why do they promise things that they have no intention of following up on? Why did he give me his number if he didn't want to talk to me? I would prefer honesty from the get-go. That's all I want! A little honesty, a little sincerity and a nice set of arms. Is that really so much to expect?

It makes- no sense.