The Virginity Monologues

My Life. The Mistakes I Make. Uncensored.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

I hurt myself today, To see if I still feel

So, before My Great Life Upheaval, I would write my posts while munching on whatever incredibly unhealthy food I had opted to eat for lunch that day, generally involving French fries, of course.

Since joining Weight Watchers and developing a fanatical obsession with not being The Fat Girl anymore, my lunch breaks are generally spent at the gym. Occasionally on The Elliptical, or the The Weird Machine That Pretends Its an Elliptical but its NOT. But at least twice a week, I am at a Yoga or Pilates class. Now, I think that Pilates is universally acknowledged as hard-ish. And depending on your instructor it can be OUTRAGEOUSLY hard, or just mildly painful, but either way, I always end up holding my sides when I laugh or cough for days after to try and ebb the pain.

Yoga, however, I thought was for pansies. That’s right, I said it. Pansies. I imagined a lot of deep breathing (which there is) and basically just stretching movements. And since I was a gymnast for 10ish years when I was younger, I figured I could Ohm with the best of them. Um, NOT so much. It was harder than I expected and there were positions that even I’ve never tried before (wink, wink, nudge, nudge) and that made me more than a little uncomfortable.

So, I apologize that my posting has been fewer and far betweener. But I also am living the most utterly boring life imaginable these days. I continue to not date and enjoy my solitary state, although I do often dream of long, slow kisses (jonathan?!?!) and hand-holding. Although, I feel that my life should be completely bed-bug free before I begin a new relationship and judging by the last 4 months, it could very well another 12.

Today's Title from: Hurt by Nine Inch Nails