The Virginity Monologues

My Life. The Mistakes I Make. Uncensored.

Thursday, February 07, 2008

I don't expect to feel regret from this...

Oh man! What a night!

A few weeks ago, I met the coolest girl ever when I was volunteering at a local animal shelter, Betsy. She lives in my neighborhood, so we exchanged numbers and agreed to meet for drinks or dinner. But as these go, I honestly didn’t think I would ever hear from her. New York is a tough city for making friends.

I was ecstatic when I received a text from her last Saturday night asking me if I wanted to meet for drinks. Unfortunately, I had other plans and offered to meet sometime this week. Last night we met for dinner at this delightful restaurant on 116th and 5th Ave for some Chinese food, and discovered they have $4 cosmos on Wednesday s.

Um, I lost count of how many $4 cosmos I had.

But it was enough to give me the courage to give the bartender my number when I was leaving.

He called me not long after I arrived home (to make sure I got home okay), but I missed the call cause I was puking in the bathroom.

Today's Title from: No Regrets by SoHo Dolls