The Virginity Monologues

My Life. The Mistakes I Make. Uncensored.

Thursday, September 06, 2007

And the night goes by so very slow

My entire life, I've adamantly stated that I would rather be alone for the right reasons than in a bad relationship for the wrong ones.

I think its time to implement this belief.

I was awake last night at 3 am. I had seriously passed out hours before after a night at the gym and dinner accompanied with lots of red wine with my friend Michelle. I had called Oscar on my way to Michelle's and he was in the middle of looking at football tapes with his boys, so he said to call him when I got home later.

I did. And, again, he didn't call me back.

Did I mention that we hadn't seen each other or spoken in a full week at this point? And he couldn't call me back? WTF?

I'm SO tired of this shit. I hate it and I don't want to do it anymore. If I were outside of this relationship, looking at someone else in my exact position, I would shake my head in shame at them for their inability to see what a complete douchebag this guy is.

As I lay there, I chanted to myself- 'Its okay to be alone. Think of all the money you'll save on Brazilians.'

In my head, I believe it. And I know its right. But heart rebels. It says, "Being alone sucks donkeys. Not to mention, you are a horny bitch. Can you really let go of the best sex you've ever had?"

I guess we're going to find out.

Today's Title from: Alone by Heart
