The Virginity Monologues

My Life. The Mistakes I Make. Uncensored.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Maybe surrounded by, a million people I, still feel all alone

Again, I have started about 5 blog posts and not finished any of them. Here's the rundown.

1. I have returned from Montreal. It was absolutely fabulous. If I could find myself a nice Canadian man to marry, I would be the happiest girl in the world. The food was fabulous. The service at our hotel was impeccable. The weather couldn't have been better. I couldn't have smiled more. It was just lovely.

2. Yesterday marked my 4 year anniversary of living in New York City. 4 years. Here's how I feel about this summed up- I've got a great job. I've come a long way. I've changed. I've grown. I've learned to drink vast quantities of alcohol and also learned that I don't like it so much. I've made totally awesome friends. I've met the worlds biggest douchebags. I've done things I swore I would never, ever do. I've found myself to a degree that I didn't even imagine possible.

I still love it.

I still can't claim to have ever had a long-term committed relationship.

Which I guess makes me not that much different after all.

3. Organic peanut butter is good. Crunchy Honey Roasted Skippy is better.

4. I don't eat enough calories in my day.

5. Karen and I are considering getting a dog. The cutest dog we have ever seen in our entire lives. It requires renting a car and driving back to Montreal to pick it up because Air Canada wouldn't let us bring the tiny 6 week old puppy in the cabin with us and we didn't feel right about checking him into baggage. We already love him to pieces and we've even named him. I'm hesitant because we aren't home much and I don't think that's fair to a dog. Especially in not-so-spacious NYC apartments.

6. I have nothing to say about Oscar. I am still seeing him. But I am distancing myself from him emotionally. The end.

Today's Title from: Home by Michael Buble