The Virginity Monologues

My Life. The Mistakes I Make. Uncensored.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Please, don't let this feeling end

I kept to my 2 drink minimum last night, and what made it even better, I didn't pay a penny for either one! HOT! Although, my stomach being in the state of serious emptiness, after drinking 2 glasses of wine, I was pretty buzzed, which is not normal. Luckily I had a friend walking with me back to the subway (it was early, 8ish) to keep me from veering into Taco Bell.

Still in a bad mood. Mostly due to hunger. And lack of sleep. I'm either getting up extra early to do the videos before I go to work, or to get to work early so I can leave early to go to class. Plus they've been hitting us over the head with a frying pan about not sleeping for at least 3 hours after we eat. Uh, do they understand this city at all? I'm in class until at least 8-8:30 half the week, and it's not like I can just hop in a Honda, drive 5 minutes and be home. I take the subway. Which is a time consuming process. I usually don't eat until at least 9:30-10:00 (because it also takes a freakishly long time to prepare the food), so staying up until 1:00 am is NOT an option. I'm hoping desperately that I will start to get used to this regimen after I've been doing it a little longer.

But in the meantime, I'm still grumpy.

And quite frankly, right now, I don't give a shit about men. I don't care if I never see Scott, Dave or Marc again. I don't want to date anybody. I don't feel a need to see anybody. I'm not dying to have sex with anybody. I don't look at my phone, hoping someone has called. I just don't care. Is there any way to make this feeling last?