The Virginity Monologues

My Life. The Mistakes I Make. Uncensored.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

A Bad Taste in Your Mouth?

Dear Subway-

I love your sandwiches very, very much. I love the smell that is always wafting from your doors, taunting me to come in and have some turkey and provolone on your freshly baked bread. I love that I can get my sandwiches toasted now, which I frequently do and it fills me with joy. And even though I rarely get them, I find your cookies to be quite tasty, nice and soft with plenty of chocolate chips. However, I'm displeased with something. When I ask for pickles on my sandwich, I don't want a giant blob of pickles smack in the middle of the sandwich. The goal of the pickles is not to get one giant pickle bite midway through the sandwich, it's to have a nice even pickle flavor throughout the entire sandwich-eating extravaganza. Could we work on this? I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels strongly about this. Also, let's discuss the chip selection. Why do you never have Dorito's? No Nacho Cheesier or Cooler Ranch. Instead its shelves upon shelves of regular Lays (hint: maybe people don't like those so much, stop buying so many), a few barbeque Lays and Sun Chips. It's irritating. I LOVE Dorito's. If there continues to be a shortage, I'm going to have to stop coming in. It's as simple as that.

Also, please make the men behind your counter stop giving me creepy looks. It does not enhance my sandwich-building experience.

Thank you-

An Open Letter to All NYC Subway Riders-

Do you know what the most irritating thing in the whole world is? People that board the subway and don't move in. They stand at/near the subway doors as if they are the only people boarding the train, forcing everyone behind them to go around them, thus making the boarding process even more unpleasant than it already is (Did you ever see the Seinfeld where Kramer is getting onto the subway, flailing about wildly trying to get a seat, narrowly missing it every time? That's a freakishly accurate depiction of what it's like boarding the subway) I understand the need to stand by the doors, you can lean up against them when there aren't any seats and you can get out quickly at your stop. The door position is a good one. We all covet it. But if you moved in, so everyone can behind you can also get on the train, you may strike gold when a person sitting down directly in front of you gets off the train and you can snatch their seat. This will not happen if you've parked your ass at the door. And it's much more courteous to other passengers.

Thank you-