The Virginity Monologues

My Life. The Mistakes I Make. Uncensored.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Ranting Tangentially

I didn't wash my hair today. I tried a few new things to make it a little more bearable. Plus, I heard about this stuff that they sell at Bumble and Bumble called Hair Powder. You can spray it in your hair and it absorbs oils and grease. HOT!! I'm so going to get some.

There are a lot of pretty serious issues swirling around my life right now-
Child Pornography

To name a few. But I don't really feel like delving into any of them. Quite frankly, I'm so sick of religion, I'd rather stick a needle in my eye than discuss it for one more second.

On a lighter note- one of my dearest friends from high school recently contacted me and she is living in New York City! I'm pee-my-pants excited about this. She's a little Republican for my taste, but man, did we have a good time together at Girls' State! She's trying to get me to go to our 10 year high school reunion this summer. The idea is..... unappealing. I'm SO different from who I was in high school. I hate seeing people from high school (except for the people that I like). I don't like to play the Who's-Life-Is-Better game (even though I generally win). I don't care if you're married and who you're married to and how many kids you've popped out and how successful you or your spouse is. I DON'T GIVE A SHIT! It's all so superficial and ridiculous. If I want to feel bad about myself, I can find much more productive and meaningful ways to do it- like indiscriminate sex! That's really so much more enjoyable than pretentious conversations with people that I hated 10 years ago.

Okay, rant OVER!

Days since I last had sex: 68