The Virginity Monologues

My Life. The Mistakes I Make. Uncensored.

Monday, November 21, 2005

Sunday, or Man-Day

Yesterday morning, as I woke up with a terrible hangover and not even a phone number to show for my hours of drinking on Saturday evening, I was thinking that the weekend was turning out to be a bit of a bust. Sunday, it turns out, was a striking gold day.

First there was a phone call from Greg, the lovely man that I went out with a few weeks ago, who had kissed me tenderly at the end of the night and then proceeded to turn into the busiest man alive. We email almost everyday, but work has kept him very tied up so we haven't gone out again. I'm thinking this weekend might be another shot at it.

Then, as I was leaving my apartment to go meet Karen to see Harry Potter (LOVED it!), I ran into Jay, who lives next door to me and quite frankly, is smoking hot. I think he's gorgeous and he knows it. We're buddies though. We've hung out a couple of times. We rode down the elevator together and even though he wasn't going that way, he walked me to the subway. He was asking me about Ted and I was telling him that everything with Ted was over and done with, as Ted is a lying asshole.

"Well then," he said, "can I have your number?"

Um, YES. Thanks.

I don't want to date him, I just want to fuck him. A lot. So, it's handy that he lives 10 feet from me.

Here was our parting conversation-

Me: Can I ask you a question?
Jay: Of course
Me: Last time I saw you, you said I could "get it" if I wanted it. Were you serious?
Jay: Uh, YES.
Me: Okay... Good..... Cause I want it.
Jay: I'll call you.


But hold on to yer hats kids, cause the fun's not over yet!

Guess who called while I was in Harry Potter!?!?!

MARC. Neighbor Boy. Haven't heard from him in WEEKS. He wanted cookies and he was prepared to dance around in a red thong to Weezer to get them.

So I made chocolate chip cookies, but in place of chocolate chips, I used a chopped up Symphony bar with toffee and almonds. They were so good I almost passed out.

Surprise, surprise. Marc was going to be late. Like 11:30 late. I told him to fuck off and that me and my delicious cookies were staying home. I told him to think about his actions, and come up with a suitable option for making it up to me and only then would I consider taking him off Cookie Probation, which he is now on for LIFE.

He said he'll call me today. Whatever. Good thing I have killed all expectations where he is concerned. Anything I get from him at this point is just a bonus.

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