The Virginity Monologues

My Life. The Mistakes I Make. Uncensored.

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Random Musings

I'm sick. Like throwing up and coughing all night long sick. The ride on the subway this morning was unbearable. It was crowded. I was deathly afraid I was going to puke on all my fellow commuters and I just wanted to fold myself in the arms of the nice, large man behind me. I don't do sick very well.

And it makes my head all fuzzy, so todays post may be a little jumbled.

My hair is officially the longest it has ever been in my whole life. It is actually past my shoulders, which is no mean feat, let me tell you. I generally have no patience with my hair and once it gets to a certain point, I chop it all off. I'm enjoying the sex kittenish feel of it being longer though and I think I will continue to grow it.

There is another girl in my office in love with Mr. Wrong. I can see it. She probably thinks that no one can tell (just like I did), but it's very obvious to me. I recognize all the signs. I wonder if he's sleeping with her. Would it make me a terrible catty bitch to pull her aside and tell it to her like it is? Help her to head off disappointment and heartbreak? There's no way I would do it. I don't know her that well. But I pity her.

Is it ridiculous how much I love getting my period? Since I've been having sex, I rejoice in getting it every month, because it means that I am not pregnant. And that makes me very, very happy.