The Virginity Monologues

My Life. The Mistakes I Make. Uncensored.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Playing Games

Good News!

The text message was indeed for me. I had assumed that it hadn't been for me after there was an additional text message later on last week, that made more sense for it to be for Karen. But now that Marc, Neighbor Boy, has confirmed that he thought that it was my number, it means that both text messages were for me. Very, very interesting.

Went to the gym last night, then over to Marc's, where Karen and I played John Madden Football on Playstation for hours. I won both games. Marc was impressed with my natural Playstation abilities, as I had never played before and now he wants to challenge me. Although it is generally accepted that I will lose, badly.

My problem is that when I like someone, I have a very hard time being natural and normal. I want him to think that I'm fabulous and that generally translates into me looking like an idiot. It's not pretty. It's like my brain is clouded over by a fog of smit and it inhibits my ability to just be my normal charming self. I hate it. I hate who I turn into when I am in the presence of someone that I am genuinely interested in.

WHOA Nelly! I just got an email from Ted, the street boyfriend. He thinks he loves me. It's time to nip in this in the bud- PRONTO. How did this happen? All I did was kiss him! Sheesh. It's not like there was Ecstasy on my lips.

Why can't I be so irresistable to the ones that I can actually have a relationship with, without worrying about running into trouble with the law?
