The Virginity Monologues

My Life. The Mistakes I Make. Uncensored.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Finally, the recognition I deserve!

"Damn," he said, "you are an excellent kisser."

"I know," I said.

He may have a dubious occupation, but Ted, my street boyfriend sure can kiss. And clearly, he has the good sense to recognize the stellar abilities of others.....

U2 tonight! And Keane is opening for them! I saw them at Radio City Music Hall a few months ago and they rocked, so now I have an added bonus to look forward to tonight.

Which I'm going to need since my beloved Yanks lost last night and the baseball season is officially over for me.

Marc, the neighbor boy and I have been corresponding over email. He wants me to come over and 'help him' fix his iPod. Whatever. It's just a ploy. But I'll go, cause I LOVE him. He also wanted to know if he could come to the concert tonight- hahahahaha, like it hasn't been sold out for 6 months! Oh, he's cute.
