The Virginity Monologues

My Life. The Mistakes I Make. Uncensored.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Learning New Things

Commentary on me:

Last night as I was walking down my street, on my way home from the already eventful evening, I ran into my street friend, who has an interesting street name, but we'll just call him Ted. Ted likes me. He makes it clear. He's funny and interesting, but has an occupation that I don't agree with, so I try to keep our relationship at a pretty superficial level.

We talked for a while last night and then he walked me down the street and into my building. As we stood waiting for the elevator, he tried to kiss me.

Um, yeah, I dodged that one.

Earlier, I was talking to Karen and relating the Ted-waiting-for-the-elevator story.

"Wow," she said. "I just realized how much you really like Marc (Neighbor Boy)."

"Why do you say that?" I asked.

"Because a week ago, you would have kissed Ted, just for the sake of kissing someone," she replied.

Damn it all. It's true.

This means 2 things.
1) I am completely smitten with Marc. I would choose him over Trevor (Perfect Man). This is saying something.
2) I am a total kissing whore.
