The Virginity Monologues

My Life. The Mistakes I Make. Uncensored.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Love Defined

We'll shine like stars in the summer night,
We'll shine like stars in the winter night,
One heart
One hope
One Love

I was 18. They were showing Rattle and Hum at my university's movie theater and when Bono sang these words, his added verse at the end of With or Without You, my heart recognized the words that were my exact feelings on what love should be. I painted these words on a mural on my wall and they were a daily reminder of my belief in an all-consuming love. That I wouldn't settle for a love that didn't fulfill these words completely.

Bono sang these words last night. It was the same feeling all over again.

I believe in love. The kind that lasts forever.

I got an email from Marc, the Neighbor Boy, yesterday that makes me blush with it's adorableness every time I read it. He wants my junk so bad. :)
