The Virginity Monologues

My Life. The Mistakes I Make. Uncensored.

Monday, September 12, 2005

Still Running...

Saturday morning I ran and ran. Luckily my Friday night had been tame, so I had no hangover to deal with. Only my demons. If I run enough, can I beat them? Can I learn to say no to the most damaging man I have ever known? Can I gain enough self-respect to make up for his lack of respect for me? Will the sting of the wounds he inflicted ever go away?

Dates on the horizon- Email Boy, Perfect Man Personified , and lunch with an interesting fellow from my street, who actually said to me last night- "I want to fuck you". Why am I having lunch with him? Because I want to stop fucking Him. Because it's time to extricate my heart from a situation that I can no longer handle, and at this stage of the game, anyone is preferable.