The Virginity Monologues

My Life. The Mistakes I Make. Uncensored.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Tell Me Enough, and Maybe I'll Get It

Last night, one of my closest friends took the plunge and went to go see the guy that cuts my hair- who I RAVE about, and who is, by New York standards, fairly cheap. She was nervous- a new stylist is always a little nerve-wracking, so she dragged me along for moral support. 2 hours later, a different color hair for her and a quick bang cut for me, we were on our way to her house. Once at her house, we were immediately summoned to her next door neighbor's house. He is the most adorable human being alive. He's 5'8, black and has the nicest arms I've ever seen in my whole life. We all just sat and talked for hours, about anything and everything. He'll ask you anything, and in return will answer any question that you might have. He spent some quality time teaching me how to 'play the game'. It was interesting, and informative. I don't know if I'm ever going to get a handle on the hard-to-get persona though. I tend to be impatient (imagine that!) and when I want something, I have a hard time making myself wait to get it. It's a major character flaw, I recognize that and I'm working on it.

The Bouncer continues to call. I haven't picked up once. Maybe I should man-up about it and answer the phone and tell him that I don't want to see him anymore. Nah.