The Virginity Monologues

My Life. The Mistakes I Make. Uncensored.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Good Morning Indeed

Relief. There are no adequate words to describe the amount of relief that is currently coursing through my body. Because I am a woman, and an irrational one at that, I have spent the last several days worrying a lot about the possibility that there might be a bun in my oven. The odds were stacked against it, I am first and foremost- a safety girl, but I was convinced that the statistical odds had decided to play a cruel joke on me and make me that special exception to every rule. Never in my whole life have I been so glad to see the irrevocable proof and get that familiar cramping that means only one thing- there is no bun.

Adding to the abundance of goodness that has been this lovely Wednesday morning, a certain adorable bouncer called me at 7 am just to say good morning. I am not a morning person and was woken out of a deep slumber and a dream involving Thanksgiving dinner, of all things, to hear such glad morning tidings and made my displeasure known. But a kernel of happiness imbeded itself into my brain as I hung up the phone that wouldn't let me go back to sleep, but made me lay there, contemplating the adorableness of the gesture.