The Virginity Monologues

My Life. The Mistakes I Make. Uncensored.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

You give me fever Like I've never, ever known

So, I'm considering getting my eyebrows waxed. I don't know why I've avoided it before now, it just seemed easier to pluck them I guess. And it's certainly not that I'm afraid of waxing, as there is a much more sensitive part of my body that receives this special treatment on a regular basis (it's the only way to go.....).

Did I mention that I've had 2, that's right 2, bouts of tonsillitis in the last 2 months? It's been... unpleasant to say the least. This most recent occurance sent me to the doctor for some antibiotics that worked beautifully. I was so, so happy for days as the phlegm and the pain in my throat subsided. Now, only 3 days after I finished the antibiotics, I am starting to feel it again in my left tonsil. I am not happy about this. Especially since my doctor is threatening to take them out and did I also mention that I don't have a very high pain tolerance? Don't make me tell you the story of when I had my wisdom teeth out. Although in my defense, I was only 14 and the teeth were completely impacted, which meant I had VERY large holes in the back of my mouth for a good long time (which, by the way, smelled TERRIBLE during the healing process). There was a point where I was finishing off entire bottles of advil in one day. This is a large part of the reason that I am a little anti-medicine now, I feel I got my lifetime's supply during that 2 week period and shouldn't push it.

Oh, and I've got a rash. As I'm getting older, I'm turning more and more into my father, A.K.A Mr. I-Claim-To-Be-Allergic-To-Everything. He doesn't even wear cashmere because his skin is so sensitive (THE HORROR!). I recently switched shampoo/conditioner and my skin decided to reward me by breaking out into a terrible rash all over my neck and chest. It's SO hot. I can't even tell you. Patrick is taking me out to dinner tomorrow night and I am hoping and praying that the lighting will illuminate me just so that he can get the full treatment of the glory that is currently my neck. That would be so rad. Hopefully I don't develop an allergy to cats, as that would totally destroy my plan of becoming The Crazy Cat Lady.

Today's Title From: The Way You Make Me Feel by Michael Jackson
